REVIEW: “Under Paris” (2024)

I admit, the general premise of the new French film “Under Paris” is utterly absurd. A man-eating shark loose in the Seine River terrorizing the “City of Light” kinda speaks for itself. But if you have read my reviews for any amount of time you probably know I have a soft spot movies like this. Whether silly, serious, or both, I’m usually onboard when filmmakers deliver on what they’re going for. And such is the case with “Under Paris”.

Shark movies have become a horror sub-genre all their own, and frankly speaking, most of the recent ones have been pretty bad. But “Under Paris” is a nice surprise. Directed by Xavier Gens and starring the always compelling Oscar nominee Bérénice Bejo, the movie makes a number of smart choices that keep it above water. The movie plays it straight and you’ll never find any winking or side-eyes towards the audience. At the same time, Gens’ love for genre is impossible to miss and he lets loose with some wild and gnarly shark kills that are a lot of fun.

Image Courtesy of Netflix

In a prologue we’re introduced to Sophia Assalas (Bejo), an oceanographer who specializes in marine ecosystems. She and her team have been studying the rapid growth of a female shark they’ve named Lilith near a huge garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean. But their research expedition takes a tragic turn when Lilith attacks. Sophia ends up loosing her entire crew including her husband Chris (Yannick Choirat).

Three years pass and a still grieving Sophia is now giving tours at a Paris aquarium. On her way home she’s approached by 20-year-old Mika (Léa Léviant), the idealistic leader of the Save Our Seas Collective, an underground organization of young environmentalists inspired by Sophia’s work. Mika informs Sophia that her group has been monitoring Lilith via an old tracking beacon once used by Sophia and her team. And that’s where things get interesting.

It turns out Mika and company claim to have spotted the now enormous Lilith in the Seine River. Sophia doesn’t believe it at first. But after she dusts off her old tracking equipment and sees it for herself, she realizes Mika is right. From there Gens begins building the obvious stakes. To help, he introduces a few key supporting characters including a skeptical Sergeant with the Paris River Police, Adil Faez (Nassim Lyes). Then there is the haughty Paris mayor (Anne Marivin) who is far more interested in the fast-approaching city triathlon than any potential shark threat (she’s a comical callback to Murray Hamilton’s Mayor Larry Vaughn from “Jaws”).

Image Courtesy of Netflix

Some of what follows is pretty predictable. Several people make some really bad choices. Those in power don’t listen to the experts until it’s too late. And it all inevitably leads to a plenty of blood and body parts. But the movie has its share of surprises. Some are absolutely preposterous (but in a wildly entertaining way) and require you to just chuckle and go with it. Others catch us off-guard and send the story in some unexpected directions, especially in the gleefully gonzo second half. Eventually everything culminates in an ending that I really appreciated for reasons I won’t spoil.

I don’t want to exaggerate and herald “Under Paris” as some must-see classic. But boy is it fun, especially for those who get onboard and stay in the right frame of mind. DP Nicolas Massart offers up some eye-catching Paris scenery to go with the harrowing underwater shots. Meanwhile the digital effects team have a field day serving up a hearty helping of shark action and human carnage. And sturdy performances from Bejo and Lyes keep us invested regardless of how silly or hammy things may sometimes get. “Under Paris” is now streaming on Netflix.


15 thoughts on “REVIEW: “Under Paris” (2024)

  1. This looks like totally stupid but it could be fun. It can’t be worse than the Sharknado films though those movies knew what they were and didn’t apologize for it.

  2. a must see..if you loved will enjoy this suspenseful thrilling …bloody movie…you want to scream…get out of the water…during a certain scene…

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