First Glance: “Red One”

The idea of J.K. Simmons playing Santa Claus is easily the biggest draw of “Red One”, an upcoming holiday film from director Jake Kasdan. With a massive budget of reportedly nearly $300 million, the Christmas-themed action-adventure comedy has its sights set on being a full-blown franchise. But after seeing its recently released first trailer, I’m curious to see if it will come anywhere close to making its money back despite the star wattage of its leads, Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans.

The premise centers around Santa Clause being kidnapped. The head of North Pole security, Callum Drift (Johnson) is forced to team up with obnoxious bounty hunter Jack O’Malley (Evans) to find Saint Nick and save Christmas (so to speak). Kasdan and company seem to be shooting for a buddy movie with a Christmastime setting. That could be entertaining. Unfortunately the trailer isn’t all that promising. An unconvincing CGI polar bear, even more unconvincing killer snowmen, patently unfunny banter – it’s all present plus some. Who knows what to expect?

“Red One” jiggles into theaters on November 15th. Check out the trailer below and let me know if you’ll be seeing it or taking a pass.

11 thoughts on “First Glance: “Red One”

  1. It looks…. mid….. $250 millions for this piece of shit?

    Someone needs to lay the smackdown on the Crock, take all of them nasty products he’s schilling, shine them up real nice, and STICK THEM STRAIGHT-UP HIS ROODY-POO….


    With this and the trailer for <i>Here</i>…. this is going to be a bad holiday season. We need some good shit to come out.

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